Last week we began the process of installing our doors and discovered that the updated door schedule was never placed into the plans… so the framer built door openings that were too big! A lesson learned once again; check, double check, and measure the work that is done by the contractors. The contractor didn’t do anything wrong, but this mistake could have been caught before the whole structure was built.
So last week we only got one door installed, but this week we had some time to prepare as well as get some metal flashing replaced that was custom made for the wrong size openings. Today we installed two standard doors and two sliding glass doors.
To install a door, it is helpful to remove the door from the frame (easier to man handle). Position the frame into the opening and check for level, make adjustments as needed. Before you secure the door frame with the first screw, insert shims from the front and rear at the location of the screw to keep the frame in its place. As you place each screw, verify the door frame width is maintained for the entire height of the door. Verify squareness. Verify level. Verify flush to outer plywood. Make adjustments as you see fit. Don’t be afraid to remove previous screws to fix frame level if needed.
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anchor bolt into concrete for last door (garage door)
flashing for sliding glass doors
adjust lock for lower sliding glass door
secure bottom of 1st floor slider
install nice knobs or temp knobs during construction
paint doors