Over-excavation could mean to excavate the soil and remove, but here it is used as a term to dictate the process of digging the soil down below planned foundation (as well as out away from in the lateral direction) and prepare the soil for uniformity. Based on a soil report that was completed for the property where borings were conducted (down 14 feet below surface in some cases!), the soils engineer generated some 20 odd page report on how the property would behave in different cases. Basically the soil is clay which has very low seismic liquefaction ( 1 minute youTube demo ) and is an expansive material (large volume changes, swelling and shrinking, that are directly related to changes in water content). Based on this, our over-ex orders are to dig 12 inches below expected foundation footing and 5 feet away from foundation perimeter. All this soil we dig out is put right back into place and compacted with the use of water and a compactor. Now the amount of compaction is actually measured and for us was to be around 90-95% density. The science on how they measure this is out of my field, but its some nifty piece of equipment with a radioactive sticker on it. Basically the crew digs down three feet (because our foundation footings are scheduled to be 24 inches below grade), makes a pile of this dirt, the newly exposed ground three feet down is compacted with a heavy roller that vibrates (compactor). A soil engineer measures this density, and the pile of dirt is slowly placed back into place in “layers” while the compactor travels over them a shakes the neighborhood. Seriously! I recall a property two doors down going through this process and my residence was shaking. Because the space we were working in didn’t have a lot of workable area, the crew divided the job area in three sections. Doing each section as dig, compaction, and fill. This was to be a 2 day project, but ended up being 4 days. We lost nearly a day due to waiting for the water truck, our local jurisdiction requires the use of reclaimed water for use in construction.
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